God is always working to make His children aware of a dream
that remains alive beneath the rubble of every shattered dream,

a new dream that
when realized will release a new song, sung with tears,

till God wipes them away
and we sing with nothing but joy in our hearts

--Larry Crabb

Monday, March 4, 2013

Just refrain, please.

There are a few things that pregnant women do not want to hear or be asked.  Usually if someone makes such an error one can hold back.  Unless you are my husband, which none of you are.  Poor Craig has said "whoa" or "whoops" a few too many times under his breath lately.  I want to be nice, but my honest thoughts just escape through my lips these days.  He's learning, though.

Today, I nearly asked the med tech at the OB office whether she never took the therapeutic communication 101 class in college or whether she did take it and failed.

Usually at my Monday morning appointments I see the doctor first and then have a non stress test.  Today they did the NST first.  Not a big deal.  As the tech was wrapping the belts around my 34 1/2 week pregnant belly she blurted out "it is getting harder and harder to reach around here."  I laughed. A VERY fake laugh and wanted to rip her hair out.  I know my belly is getting bigger and I'm fine with that, but her comment was just stupid.  I wanted to, but refrained from saying "Oh yes.  It was definitely was not as much fun for me when someone could put the bands on without having their nose in my belly button."  Seriously, I had to bite my tongue.

So my twenty minutes passed and I was taken back to the exam room, where the barrage of normal questions were fired.  Last, but not least, she asked how I was feeling.  I'm tired of downplaying how miserable this head/chest cold has made me feel.  So I told her that baby-wise I felt fine except for tons of low pressure when I cough, but overall, I feel like a slime truck has emptied into my nose and chest.  It has been two weeks since I started feeling crappy.  It gets a little better for a day or two, then comes back with more intensity.  The last three nights, I have not been able to sleep because I have been in this cough til I puke, can't breathe, and need to pee cycle. Then come the contractions and leg cramps.  By this point, I am nearly in tears because I am so sick of it.  The tech turns from the computer and proceeds to tell me that she knows just how I feel because her husband has had a cold for three weeks and recently had rotator cuff surgery. Does she not realize that it s all about ME?  Hello? I'm pretty sure if all this coughing keeps up a baby is going to come flying either out of my lungs or where it is supposed to come out of any moment.  Can her husband say that?!?

I gave her the silent treatment.  On her way out the door, she patted my shoulder and told me that she hopes I feel better before delivery--Gee thanks...that buys me a projected 5 weeks to get over it--and then went on to say that her daughter recently delivered a baby while she had a bad cold, and it was a horrible experience.  Then the baby got sick and had to be in the NICU for a few days. Wonderful warm fuzzy thoughts were everywhere! Puke.

Finally the doctor came in and suggested we do a few days of antibiotics to try to get this cleared up.  She was kind and assured me that even though she could tell I felt miserable, baby is fine, and all the crud is actually probably helping him or her to form a strong immune system.  I found myself near tears again, only happy tears this time.  The hormones of carrying a baby do that to you.  Crying happens very easily...whether it is the result of happiness, sadness, or frustration...there are tears!

The point of all of this?  If you can't say something helpful, just purse your lips.  If you can't do that, maybe an OB office is not the best fit for you.

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