God is always working to make His children aware of a dream
that remains alive beneath the rubble of every shattered dream,

a new dream that
when realized will release a new song, sung with tears,

till God wipes them away
and we sing with nothing but joy in our hearts

--Larry Crabb

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blessings galore!

Sometimes I get really frustrated at little things and wonder why things sometimes go the way they do, but then I remember that at the end of the day...

~I get to go home to my family and don't have to stay in the hospital trusting my health to people that I don't even know.
~My home is a place where I am safe, loved, and accepted. My husband is warm and caring, not mean and hurtful like many men.
~I have freedom to wear what I want, say what I want, and worship who I want, unlike so many other women in the world.
~My true friends know and accept the real me. They look past my imperfections and still want to hang out.
~I have a fully stocked pantry and enough meat in my freezer to last for the rest of the year. I never have to go hungry...it is a question of what to fix to eat, not whether or not I will eat today.
~Our home is warm and peaceful.
~Although I may have hearing loss and occasional vertigo, my health is good!
~I don't have to worry and dread the end of the month when all the bills are due--We've been blessed with good jobs providing steady income.
~I've got the love of Jesus in my heart, and no one can take that away.

Yep, I'm pretty blessed.

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