God is always working to make His children aware of a dream
that remains alive beneath the rubble of every shattered dream,

a new dream that
when realized will release a new song, sung with tears,

till God wipes them away
and we sing with nothing but joy in our hearts

--Larry Crabb

Friday, January 23, 2009

She brings out the CrAzY in us!

Madison is here for the weekend--hooray! I went and picked her up from school today and she actually stayed awake for all but about 30 minutes of the 2 hr and 45 minute drive. We told jokes for a while, talked about what she is learning in school, and sang a few crazy songs.
Craig had already eaten by the time we got home so Madison and I had some vegetable beef soup that I made yesterday...and decided that she liked okra! Ymmm.
The real excitement started after dinner. Mads got a Hannah Montana game for Christmas and I told her that I would play it with her. Little did I know that if you rolled an odd number it meant that you had to either sing or dance to a HM song. First of all, I don't know ANY of her music. Secondly, I don't sing well. Thirdly, I definitely lack rhythm when dancing. Fourth and finally, my meniere's has left me with horrible balance. I should not have played this game. At one point while "dancing" I lost my balance and nearly fell on Craig. Realizing what was happening, I tried to recover, only to change direction and start falling towards Madison. Criag yelled "you're going to break her neck....what are you doing???" at the last minute I shifted weight and fell flat on my face in the middle of the game board. Nice Missy, Nice. (now you know why I have a dice imprint on my forehead, so don't ask!) Madison thought that I was just being funny, though, so all was well. I wonder how many times I have to biff in front of her before she figures out the truth, though!
Craig rolled an odd number forcing him to dance to the music like Hannah Montana. Craig may seem pretty serious to most people, but at home he is a total nut. He broke out with this off the wall routine that summited with a geronimo move. It was actually pretty good (coming from the rhythmless clutz). This brought the game to a close as he attempted to teach Mads how to do the move. Oh how I wish I could post a video. She basically just drops to the floor...it is hilarious!! I Love family time!!

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