God is always working to make His children aware of a dream
that remains alive beneath the rubble of every shattered dream,

a new dream that
when realized will release a new song, sung with tears,

till God wipes them away
and we sing with nothing but joy in our hearts

--Larry Crabb

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Beyond Donuts

Tomorrow we're going to church #7 on our church shopping list that really isn't a list at all, but more of a collective remembrance of churches we've driven by and want to visit. This has by far been the most difficult part of our move. It is SO hard to find a church. Sometimes I feel like we have not even come close to finding what we're looking for. Other times I feel like maybe I'm just over analyzing.

We've been to several places that have things we like about them. The donut church was pretty awesome with having had a donut break right before the message. Beyond the donuts, though, I just wasn't feeling it. I was a little bothered by the way the pastor rephrased the scriptures instead of just reading them as they are. Then there was the repetitive church. The worship songs were meaningful, but singing the chorus over and over and over again distracts me and makes me wonder "does this song ever have an ending?" My legs were getting so tired from standing for 45 minutes of straight worship. Don't get me wrong...I'm all for worship, but not when it feels forced and becomes so long that I am physically exhausted. Finally there was the "Welcome to X Church, we have a job for you" church. As we walked in and found seats all eyes were on us. The message was good, but within 2 minutes of the service ending Craig was asked to help move tables. The reason? The congregation had miraculously and instantaneously changed into work out shorts and were preparing for an exercise class that started in precisely 10 minutes. That was just plain strange. As we made our way to the car (the only "foreign" car in any lot around here, mind you) we just looked at each other and shook our heads, wondering what had just happened.

Along the way, though, we have collected some nice gifts. A couple of coffee mugs, some hot chocolate, biscotti, animal crackers, fruit snacks, devotionals. There are upsides.

Still, it is hard to feel settled without having a church home. A place where you can find common ground with people and form relationships. I am so yearning for that right now. Yearning for that "ahhh, I'm at home..." feeling. My time out of the house is so limited and I just need to connect and make it count.

In time, in time, in time I keep telling myself. We can really only go to one service per week, so obviously it is going to take a while to visit all the ones on "the list." (which doesn't seem to have an end, by the way!) There are two so far that we want to go back to for second visits...and 2 more on the the list. Hopefully soon we'll find "the one" that will quench my thirsty soul and become a home. Maybe tomorrow will be the day, but regardless, it will be good to go to worship.

OK, so here is a small update. Instead of checking out another different church today, we re-visited one that was on our "possible" list. It was refreshing, and even though the message went long, we both felt fed afterwards. And they had cookies today. BONUS!! We may just go back there, but need to re-visit one other to see if it makes the yea or nay list. Thank you, God, for filling us with what we needed that today and giving us some things to think about this week!

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