God is always working to make His children aware of a dream
that remains alive beneath the rubble of every shattered dream,

a new dream that
when realized will release a new song, sung with tears,

till God wipes them away
and we sing with nothing but joy in our hearts

--Larry Crabb

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Drowned out

It happened again. My heart was broken. I don't understand it. I want to shake people and say "Don't you see?...Love?...Care?....What are you thinking?" People get sick. Very sick. Only God knows why, but it happens. Sometimes their problems can be fixed, other times they are beyond the scope of what modern healthcare can provide.
My patient was laying in his hospital bed saying he didn't want to go through it. The cancer is throughout his body, causing pain, shortness of breath, exhaustion. He didn't want surgery. He didn't want chemo. He didn't want to fight it again--he beat it twice already, but it just comes back, and it is far worse this time. Last time it nearly took his life. He was so sick. He says he wants to live his life until he dies, not die trying to live.
"No, Dad, you're going to fight this." "You're going to win." "You're stronger than this."
You don't have the right to choose. We will choose for you, and we've chosen to make you fight, and you don't want to let us down so you'll agree.
And so he fights. He had the feeding tube placed so he could eat. He had the PICC placed for chemo. The pain is intense and the battle has just begun, but, for his family, he will fight....because they said so.
This is what bothers me. Why doesn't a patient, in their sane mind, get to make decisions and have their family stand behind them? Why do others get to choose? They don't feel the pain, lose the quality of life, or suffer because of the decision...only the patient does. So why does the patient's voice get drowned out in the sea of everyone else's opinion?
I personally think that the ideal way to die is a heart attack in your sleep at age 85 in your own home, but don't know what God has planned...pretty sure I don't want to know. I do know that if disease has overtaken my body to the extent that I cannot talk, eat (please don't take my food away!), or do the things I enjoy then my earthly body has done its time. Life to me is not determined by longevity, but by quality. If I can't have quality, I wouldn't want to fight for more time. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Just had to get that off of my chest.
Sorry that this is so deep. It just hit me square in the face today...once again.
(P.S. This has absolutely nothing to do with Kimmi...her situation was completely different! I truly feel that the best decision for her was made on her behalf. She could not speak for herself. This other person can...just isn't allowed!)

1 comment:

Kimmi said...

I know how you feel on this. When I'm that bad, and in that much pain, please let me go home. Don't be so selfish with my life.

As for Kimmi, she said that she was ready to die; that the pain was so severe that she wasn't sure if she could take it anymore. She was at ease with her situation and wasn't afraid. She knew she would be with Jesus. How could we ever take that away from her if we loved her as we said we did?