God is always working to make His children aware of a dream
that remains alive beneath the rubble of every shattered dream,

a new dream that
when realized will release a new song, sung with tears,

till God wipes them away
and we sing with nothing but joy in our hearts

--Larry Crabb

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Reality of Relocation

Moving is becoming more and more of a reality every day. The house is so close to being ready to put on the market. I am pretty sure that if I put the computer down and finished up the last minute things it would be ready by tomorrow, but I won't because writing sounds much more fun than deep cleaning.
I have really been focusing on taking just one day at a time right now. It is so easy for me to get overwhelmed with everything, and when I am feeling that way I can't accomplish anything. I am looking forward to moving in a way. It is exciting to have a fresh start in a place where no one knows us and all that we've been through in the last several months. Looking for a new house is fun, as is making new friends. Craig has an excellent career opportunities there, and I think that in time I will too. However, we can't move there until we leave here. That is the part that really stinks. This is the area that we have called home for the last 6 years. This is where many of our friends are and have supported me through the difficult months recently and when Craig was deployed. This is where Christopher was born and the doctors are that know me best. I really thought that this would be where we would live for a long time, not merely a stepping stone.
I would be lying to say that I'm not at least a little concerned with how I will adjust to this move. I am trying to keep things as low-stress as possible (I just giggled as I typed that--who am I trying to fool with "low-stress?"). I will not be pursuing a new job right away. Matter of fact, I am retaining my job here at least through the summer, which sounds crazy, but makes sense when all of the circumstances that I do not have time or energy to explain here are considered. I am worried that once we get settled I will have nothing to do and will have too many days like today where I can't do anything but think too much.
I know that God has this all under control, and worry shouldn't fill me because He is so much bigger than all of this. So much bigger, yet he holds tiny little (in one sense, anyway!), hurting, worried, confused me tenderly in the palm of His hand. That should be enough, but I am a planner** and would really like to know what the Big Guy has in store...maybe.

**Disclaimer for the statement "I am a planner." I am not really a planner. I like to think I am, but sadly, am not. I do make long range plans, but they don't typically work out because they need short term plans to make them happen. I have no plan for what I will wear tomorrow, what time I'll get up, what is for lunch, or what I'll do (besides clean the dining room floor). There, that's it. Planner: Long term only and not good at it.

1 comment:

Molly Truesdell said...

Love the disclaimer. I'm right there with ya! Love ya!